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Best strobe light for smoke detectors

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A smoke detector on a white background.

What is a good option for people that have little or no hearing when it comes to smoke detection?

When searching in New Zealand I have seen detectors that cost up to $400 when converted to USD. However I have also seen products at Amazon for much less. For example the strobe light above which flashes when your existing smoke alarm goes off.

That specific product doesn't require batteries as it is hard wired into your 120 vult smoke detector. Any electrician could do this quickly.

You would probably want to have your smoke alarm (which is separate from the strobe light) in a place where it is easy to change batteries and not pull on the wiring. The one advantage that I see is that you don't have multiple sets of batteries to change.

From reading the Amazon reviews some of the people that purchased this product didn't understand that this wasn't a self contained product and wrote a negative review based on that. Reviews of this visual smoke alarm are mostly positive.

You can test this item by triggering the smoke detector that it is wired to.

We recommend having a network of smoke detectors and strobe lights that are connected to a central system.

I think that it would be a good idea to put the light in a position so it is as visible as possible.

The light flashes at a somewhat slow pace, twice per second.

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This page was originally published at 09/03/2019 23:35:23 UTC

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